الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تنظم ندوة علمية بعنوان ” الحوسبة السحابية ونماذج الافادة منها في المكتبات ”
برعاية السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية الأستاذ الدكتورة علياء عباس علي العطار أقام قسم المكتبة المركزية في رئاسة الجامعة ندوة…
الجامعة التقنية الشمالية – المكتبة المركزية – خدمة الإحاطة الجارية
مقتنى حديثا ( اهداء ) البيانات الببليوغرافية للكتاب العنوان : تأثير التجارة الإلكترونية على نظم المعلومات المحاسبية المؤلف : ساكار…
Dr. Muhammad Abdul Mawgoud Al-Badrani and Mr. Khaled Nouri visiting the library of Mosul Technical Institute
Dr. Mohamed Abdel Mawgoud Al-Badrani and Mr. Khaled Nouri made an inspection tour of the library of the Mosul Technical…
A committee from the Central Library at the Presidency of the NTU inspects the Library of the Technical Engineering College / Mosul
Dr. Muhammad Abdel Mawgoud Al-Badrani, accompanied by Mr. Khaled Noori, visited the Library of the Technical College of Engineering /…
The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research assigns Prof. Dr. Alya’ Abbas Al-Attar a new president for the Northern Technical University.
The minister of higher education and scientific research assigned Prof. Dr. Alya’ Abbas Al-Attar a new president for the Northern…
The president of NTU Dr. Prof. Alya Abbas Al-Attar assigned an administrative assistant
The president of NTU Dr. Prof. Alya Abbas Al-Attar assigned Dr. Thanoon Younus Thanoon as an administrative Dr. Thanoon holds…
Mrs. President of the Northern Technical University Dr. Alya Abbas Al-attar meets a delegation of (Al-Himam) Student assembly
Mrs. President of the Northern Technical University, Dr. Alia, meets Dr. Ali Al-Rufaiey, the Head of (Al-Himam) Student assembly, in…
Dr. Muhammad Al-Badrani assume his duties in his new position as the Head of the Central Library
Dr. Muhammad Al-Badrani assumed his duties as Head of the Central Library department in the Northern Technical University 30/12/2019, Dr.…